3 Fruits That Speedup and 6 Fruits that STOPS The Aging Process

Here Are 3 Fruits That Accelerate The Aging Process and will make you look old:

  1. Bananas
  2. Watermelon
  3. Pineapple

The problem with these three delicious fruits is that they are high in FRUCTOSE. Fructose, in case you’re unaware, is a form of glucose. Glucose is sugar. And sugar speeds up the aging process like nothing else!  But, there is good news:

There are 6 fruits that STOP the accelerated aging process and you will look young:

  1. Acai
  2. Beet
  3. Pomegranate
  4. Raspberry
  5. Blueberry
  6. Strawberry

These fruits are rich in antioxidants. As you age, your cell division and replacement of dead or damaged cells slows down. Antioxidants can speed up the cell division and cell replacement processes, which can help to slow the overall effects of aging and prevent specific age-related diseases. These fruits are used in almost all the expensive creams of the world.

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