This Makes You Look Older

The fountain of youth was not found just yet but there are many things we do that make us look older. Making small tweaking to your life style can take a long way in ripping some benefits like less body inflammation, smoother skin and even less wrinkles.

Here are 7 habits you should ditch 

  1. SMOKING  – smoking harms your health in many ways. But smoking can also accelerate the aging process of your skin and wrinkle your face.
  2. Excess drinking – when you drink in excess it causes dehydration. Dehydration depletes the natural moisture from your skin, which automatically makes you look older than your age.
  3. Not washing your face before bed – Your skin needs to repair itself overnight and breath. Cleaning your face before bed especially if you are wearing make up is essential to prevent breakouts, irritation, a dull complexion and even eye infections.
  4. Sun exposure – putting aside the risk for skin cancer, long-term exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun weakens your skin cells and blood vessels, which causes a tanned, leathery-looking skin. It even leads to pigmentation, reduced skin elasticity and a degradation of skin texture.
  5. Stress – constant worry, anxiety and stress makes your body age faster, a lot faster.
  6. Not sleeping enough – sleep deprivation can cause skin damage (under-eye circles and a dull complexion.) as well as  high blood pressure, weight gain and diabetes. Try to get at list 7 hours sleep at night
  7. Not eating enough fats – yes it’s smart to watch the amount of bacon and butter you consume but what about all the good unsaturated fats? Olive oil, nuts, avocado and wild salmon contains omega 3 and the kind of fat that is actually fight inflammation, lower the risk of heart attack and keep your hair, skin and joints healthy.

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