4-Minute Office Workout

Stuck at work all day or maybe you just don’t like working out or don’t have time for workouts then this 4-minute office workout might be the best solution for you. If you don’t work out regularly and even if you do a workout this 4-minute office workout from Dr. Zach Bush can fit your daily routine and get you stronger and feel better and more energized.

  • This 2-4 minute workout consists of a few simple sets that work on all 16 major muscles group and should be done a few times a day for max results but remember to wait 2 hours between sessions.
  • A typical workout consists of three sets of 10 reps with no breaks, and you can gradually work toward 20 reps, focusing on form and speed. With time you can increase the number of repetitions or even add dumbbells.

Try to add this to work out to your daily routine and you will feel the difference almost instantly.

Set 1 – Squats 

Start standing tall and squat while moving the hands up to shoulder height when squatting. Do this 10 times.

Set 2 – Tin Soldiers

Right after the squat set stand tall and start lifting one of your hand until shoulder hight lower it and then the other hand. 10 repetitions in total

Set 3 – Snow Angel

Start by holding the hands together and lift them up keeping the hands straight. 10 times.

Set 4 – Military press

This is a simple set simply hold your hand bend and straighten them up overall 10 times.

Overall start with 3 sets X 10 repetitions no breaks with time gradually increase the repetitions.

Lets us know how you feel after this workout and remember you can do it a few times a day as long as you keep 2 hours of rest between each session.

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