Food That Boost Hearing

Our health has a lot to do with what we put in our bodies and our hearing health is no different.

Before continue reading we invite you to watch this surprising presentation about improving your hearing.

Here are a few nutrient-packed foods to give your hearing health a boost.


Magnesium found in bananas can protect against hearing loss. Magnesium helps expand blood vessels and can improve circulation, even in your inner ear. This nutrient also helps control the release of glutamate, one of the major contributors to noise-induced hearing loss.

Salmon (Wild Caught)

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish like salmon and sardines, may reduce the risk of age-related hearing loss. Even if you’re young, there’s no time like the present to start taking care of your ears.


Broccoli is filled with all kinds of amazing nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber. These nutrients can help stop free radicals from damaging the delicate and sensitive tissue in your ears.

Dark Chocolate

As you age, your inner ear becomes more susceptible to hearing loss. A wonderful way to build resistance is by eating dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is high in zinc, a nutrient that can help ward off an age-related hearing loss.


Avocado presents, even more, health benefits that your ears will love. 1 whole avocado will give you 30% of your daily potassium, 22% of your daily folate and 15% of your daily magnesium

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