Hemp Oil Vs CBD Oil

Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil

What is Hemp Oil?

Hemp oil, of course, comes from the hemp plant (a variant of the cannabis plant that doesn’t get you high). It is typically extracted from the seeds which can contain as much as 50% of their weight in oil. It is known for it’s great 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids, a balance that has been shown to support heart health and promote proper cardiovascular function. This oil can be made from the seed of any plant in the cannabis family however industrial hemp is the only plant used for hemp oil. For the most part, these seeds are typically used for their nutritional value and the amount of psychoactive substance contained in them is minimal (typically <0.3%).

Uses of Hemp Oil

Use of Hemp Oil in Cooking

Due to its low amount of saturated fats, hemp oil has found a spot in many kitchens. It is great for cooking, full of nutrients and can add a crispy and nutty taste to foods (It can work as a great salad dressing).

Use of Hemp Oil in Products

It is also being used as the main ingredient in a myriad of health products, from shampoos to conditioners and soap, with producers taking advantage of its high vitamin E content. Additionally, hemp oil can be used as a base for different forms of plastic, instead of petroleum.

Hemp Oil Benefits:

  • Heart health – the 3:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 has been shown to promote proper cardiovascular function
  • Brain Health – the hemp oil contains the essential fatty acid including DHA. That is crucial to the brain health as well as retaining the eyes.
  • Balanced hormones – Hemp oil is rich with GLA (an omega 6 fatty acid). Which studies have shown that it is useful in helping with the balance of hormones
  • Immune system – hemp oil has been shown to promote healthy gut flora and support the immune system and can be great natural support to prevent the flu
  • Improve overall mood

Just remember to not exceed the recommended daily dosage.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is short for the term cannabidiol and is a natural component of hemp. The oil is extracted from the stalks, leaves, and buds of the hemp plant which has a significant content of cannabidiol. CBD oil has become extremely popular in the medical industry as it can be used for the treatment of various medical conditions. It has a number of health benefits minus the typical intoxicating effects of marijuana.

Uses of CBD oil

Uses of CBD Oil in Medical Treatments

The resulting cannabidiol oil is rich in CBD and low in THC, it is ideal for those seeking the medical benefits without the psychoactive effects. The oil can be used in the treatment of cancer and can act as an anti-inflammatory. Additionally, CBD oil has been shown to improve symptoms in anxiety, depression, neurodegenerative disorders, and seizures. It is also used in the treatment of epilepsy.

CBD Oil benefits:

  • Alleviate pain -studies found a connection between oil and pain relief due to the CBD oil ability to reduce inflammation
  • Alleviate cancer-related symptoms – another type of pain relief including chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  • Help with anxiety – studies show that using the CBD oil can assist in reducing anxiety
  • Natural antidepressant – CBD oil is also shown to help with post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Might be beneficial with epilepsy treatment
  • May treat acne

CBD Oil Health Risk

The majority of CBD oil users don’t experience any side effects. There is a possible side effect like any other natural or drug-related treatment. These include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and dizziness.

A small percentage of users have had to discontinue CBD oil due to suspected liver damage. As well as this, CBD oil could interact with common prescription medications. It’s important you always seek the advice of your GP before giving it a go.

What’s The Difference?

The main distinction between hemp and CBD oil is the variety of plant that they are derived from. What part of the plants are used. Typically hemp oil contains low levels of CBD- “less than 25 parts per million”- whilst CBD oil can be up to 15% CBD. Both oils hold a place in our daily health routines but it is important to remember they do have their differences.

CBD is emerging as a medicine with many applications and the science to back it up. Hemp oil is packed full of nutrients and is making its way into the world as a great food or supplement.

Which One to Use?

As CBD is a primary cannabinoid used to treat a range of minor to serious medical conditions, it is important that those seeking therapeutic products know the difference between hemp and CBD. Although these two products are technically derived from the same species of plant, their content and uses are unique.

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