Tamarind Fights Diabetes, Hair Loss, Heart and Joint Inflammation

Originates from Asia and Africa and often used in Indian and Thai cuisine tamarind has unbelievable health benefits. What tamarind can do for you:

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  1. Treat Diabetes – Tamarind helps regulate blood sugar levels so good for diabetes. For an easy recipe get a tamarind paste at your local health store or online and mix with some herbs and blackberry. A nice curry recipe can be found at Mercola page.
  2. Support your heart – The tamarind fruit contains essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium which is vital for the health of your cardiovascular system. The fiber content of the fruit can control your cholesterol levels and fight free radicals in the body, which is why it has been used as a natural remedy against heart problems in Ayurveda medicine for centuries.
  3. Hair loss – Tamarind is known as one of the most powerful natural hair loss treatment. To fight hair loss simply boil the tamarind until it’s soften. Squeeze the fruit and keep the liquids. Apply it gently on your scalp and  leave it for an hour. rinse the hair with warm water.
  4. Improve Vision – Tamarind contains a lot  of vitamin A which is know to improve eyesight and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration
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