Categories: Healthy Tips

Why Dental Implants Are Perfect for Anyone Who Wants a Flawless Smile

Are you missing one or more teeth? Do you suffer from an ill-fitting denture or bridge? Do you want a painless solution at an affordable price? Dental Implants are for you, and you don’t need to break the bank to get them!

Enjoy the confidence that comes with a beautiful smile 24 hours a day. Dental implants are the number one way to replace missing or decayed teeth, restore the bone structure, and prevent bone loss. With a 98% success rate*, dental implants are your path to a stunning smile!


Gaps in your smile are unattractive and missing teeth make talking and eating difficult. But did you know missing teeth actually cause bone loss in your jaw? According to the Silberg Center for Dental Science, it’s true — bone loss as the result of missing teeth can occur around the mouth and jaw and shrink the contours of the jawbone, producing wrinkled lips and a recessed mouth and chin. In a nutshell, missing teeth make you seem older! Cosmetic dentists are trained to solve these problems with dental implants.

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Implants are small titanium posts inserted into the bone where the tooth’s root used to grow. The titanium is biocompatible, which allows it to fuse with the bone, keeping the bone living and stimulated. Your new teeth are attached to these titanium posts. A dental implant can replace one damaged tooth or an entire mouthful of them.

Dental Implants vs Dentures

The first and most important fact is that, most likely dental implants will save you money over time. While dentures are cheaper, dental implants require less visits to the dentists because they are much easier to maintain. Dental implants will feel like you’ve never lost a tooth and that is a major plus compared to dentures.

If you decide to go with dentures you have to know that it will require you to replace them every few years while the implants are long lasting solution to correct the missing tooth.

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Dentists are using dental implants as the primary source for replacing teeth for a long time now. In addition, technology advanced a lot and going through an implant with a highly trained dentist counts as one of the most reliable ways to replace lost teeth.

Dental implants, Just like any other surgery, has a few risks anyone who considers them should know about:

  • Material allergies
  • Implants rejection
  • Damage to the teeth or nerves in the implants area

The success rate of implants is 98%*, so it’s safe to say that although the implants have pros and cons overall they are safe and reliable.


One big concern people have when considering dental implants is the cost. The plain truth is, your mouth is like a snowflake, different from everyone else’s. Your treatment plan and your dental implants will be unique. Schedule a free consultation to receive an accurate estimate of what your custom dental implants will cost. Payment plans may be available and some dental insurance plans may even help cover some costs.

Once you discover the world of possibilities, you will not want to live another day with missing or decayed teeth.

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* Web MD Article regarding Dental Implants

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