At Home Exercise to Help Relief Joint Pain

Joint pain is a very common problem that has many possible causes. Usually, joint pain is a result of an injury or arthritis. it throbs, aches, and hurts. It may make you think twice about everyday tasks and pleasures like going for a brisk walk, lifting grocery bags, or playing your favorite sport. Sharp reminders of your limitations arrive thick and fast, practically every time you move.

What causes Joint Pain?

The culprits behind joint pain tend to be:

  • osteoarthritis
  • old injuries
  • repetitive or overly forceful movements during sports or work
  • posture problems
  • aging
  • inactivity

Home Exercises to Help Relief Joint Pain

Shoulder Rolls

Stand with your arms straight and close to your body. Roll your shoulders forward 10 times. Then roll them back 10 times.

Shoulder Rolls

Side Bends

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and tummy tucked in. Reach your right arm up and over your head to the left, sliding your left arm down your left leg to your knee. Let your body lean into the stretch. (If you feel any pain, you’re reaching too far.) Hold for a count of 10. Then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Side Bends

Hip Swings

Stand behind and slightly to the left of a sturdy chair. Bend your knees slightly, and keep your hands on the chair for support. Slowly swing your left leg forward and then back. As you do, keep your back straight and try not to arch your spine. Repeat 10 times. Move to the right side and repeat 10 times with your right leg.

Hip Swings

Trunk Rotation

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Slowly rock both legs to the left toward the ground. Hold for a count of 10. Then, slowly return your legs to their original position. Do the same movement to the right. Repeat five times on each side, alternating to the right and left sides.

Trunk Rotation

Hamstring Stretch

Sit at the edge of a chair or bed. Straighten your left leg out in front of you and rest your heel on the floor or a small stool. Sit up straight. Then gently bend forward at the hips until you feel a gentle stretch on the back of your left leg. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, breathing normally. Sit up slowly. Repeat on the right.

Hamstring Stretch

Hip Rolls

Lie flat with your knees straight and legs far apart. Roll your feet and knees toward each other so that you’re pigeon-toed. Then roll them out.

Hip Rolls
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