Best Foods and Natural Treatments to Prevent and Fight the Flu

This time of year kicks off the height of cold and flu season. Washing your hands regularly can help cut down your risk of catching the virus, but don’t underestimate the impact of your diet has on fighting off the flu. Good gut health is an important part of your immune system. Check these home remedies to help battle cold season and improve your gut health.
Flu Natural Treatments
Garlic has been used for centuries as an antibacterial/antimicrobial agent. This is the main reason it is especially effective in fighting off respiratory infections like the flu.
Elderberry Syrup
The elder tree produces the Elderberry fruits. This syrup has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties making it a powerhouse when it comes to fighting colds. Taking elderberry syrup can shorten colds and flu and also relieve sinus infections.
Oregano Oil
Oil of oregano has two key ingredients, carvacrol, and thymol. Both of them have been shown to help fight and inhibit the growth of microorganisms. It has strong antiviral, antibacterial properties and helps to fight off infections. Interestingly, oregano has 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and four times more than blueberries
Essential Oils
There are many powerful essential oils for cold and flu. Here are a few that are easily accessible: Eucalyptus oil has antiviral and antimicrobial properties which have historically been used to treat the common cold. Peppermint oil is helpful in natural decongestant and is also fever-reducer. It’s like a natural VapoRub.
Zinc help with immune function and it’s not likely to hurt you. Start using Zinc as soon as Flu symptom onset occurs. Sucking on zinc lozenges every 2-4 hours for the first couple of days.
If you have a healthy gut, probiotics can help give your immune system a boost. Whether through a probiotic pill or probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, it all starts in your gut.
Bone Broth
A bowl of chicken soup or homemade bone broth can be effective in helping to fight colds and flu. Bone broth contains anti-inflammatory amino acids. It contains immune supporting vitamins and minerals that are extra easy for your body to digest.
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