How Sugar Feeds Cancer Growth?

Cancer cells use glucose at a higher rate than normal cells because they are abnormal and divide at a much faster rate than normal cells.Every cell in the body needs glucose (simple sugar) for energy. Our bodies break down sugar and other carbohydrates (such as bread, cereal, pasta, fruit and starchy vegetables) into glucose. Even if you avoid all carbohydrates out of your diet, your body will make glucose for fuel from other sources such as protein and fat.
What we do know is that excessive intake of added sugar contributes to weight gain and obesity, which is a clear risk factor for many types of cancer. Excess body fat produces hormones which cause inflammation which can damage our cells. Cancer arises out of damaged cells. When we consume carbohydrates (sugar) our bodies produce insulin. Excessive intake of carbohydrates can cause chronically elevated insulin levels, increasing inflammation, and creating an environment that may promote the growth of cancer.
Added sugars are any additional sugar that is not naturally occurring in a food item and is commonly found in processed and prepared food. How can we tell how much sugar is added to a processed food? Look at the ingredient list to find added sugars. Look for the word “sugar,” which could also be listed as:
- Dextrose
- Maltose
- Fructose
- Corn syrup
- Caramel
- Cane
- Malt
- Molasses
- Honey
It is important to note that naturally occurring sugars found in milk, yogurt, and fruits are not considered “added sugars.” Fruits and other plant foods (whole grains, beans, vegetables) that our body breaks down into sugar contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals which play a role in preventing and fighting cancer.
So, the bottom line is that added sugar increases caloric intake without providing any of the nutrients that reduce cancer risk and eating too much of them contributes to obesity, which increases cancer risk. To reduce your cancer risk, it is wise to reduce your intake of added sugars and focus on including cancer-protective plant foods such as beans, whole grains, whole fruits, and vegetables as energy sources.
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