The DNA Test That Confirms I Should Eat Low Carb

2 years ago I decided to make a big change and start a low carb life. This change made a huge difference in my life for the good: No more allergies, I wasn’t sick since then and only had cold once (before the change I used to have a cold at list 6-10 times a year), my energy level is unbelievable and overall I feel well. However, with this change in lifestyle and diet, I always had concerns like what if low carb diet is not good for me. Fortunately, I just got my DNA test results that back up my decision.
Vitagene DNA tests:
A few months ago I decided to get a DNA health testing kit so I can base my training, supplements and diet decision on my DNA file. Although there are plenty of options for a home DNA health kit test I decided to go with vitagene after I got a recommendation. What I like about their test is the fact that they offer me exactly what I need: the best diet to follow, which fitness routine is best for me and recommendation for supplements. In addition, there is a free consultation with a nutritionist you can send your question to her and get her advice.
The process is very simple. You go to Vitagene website and choose one of 3 programs (the difference is whether you like a skin report and personalized supplement package) I got the premium report. I order online and got the kit in my mailbox in less than a week. The test is very simple. You get with the package easy-to-follow instructions of how to swab the inside of your cheeks and you get the kit with a pre-paid return mailer, so returning your sample is quick, easy, and cost-free.
They say it takes 4-6 weeks for the results but I got my results after about 2 weeks. In the meantime, you need to fill out a questionnaire. Here is how the results page looks like:
For me, the most interesting report is the genetic trait. On each trait, they show you your level of risk/sensitivity and what you can do about it. I found out I’m sensitive to gluten (since I started the low carb diet I also stopped eating gluten so that might explain why I don’t suffer from allergies anymore), I’m in a high risk for being lactose intolerance and a lot of other results some of them are surprising. The most interesting and important result for me was the fact that my Carbohydrate Metabolism is slow. According to the results, slow carb metabolism “can put you at an increased risk for conditions such as type II diabetes”. This was my proof that I made the right decision when switching to low carb and hopefully I will lower my risks for type II diabetes.
If you’re following any kind of diet or thinking about sticking to a certain diet or lifestyle, why not confirm first this is the right decision for you? DNA health tests are readily available now, they are not expensive and they can answer a lot of those questions marks we have.
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