What is CoQ 10 and Main Benefits

Coenzyme Q10 is a compound found naturally in every cell of your body. Sometimes referred to as CoQ10 or ubiquinone, it’s also available in dietary supplement form. Coenzyme Q10 supplements are often touted for their supposed benefits on heart health. One of its main functions is to aid in the production of energy within your cells. Known to have antioxidant effects, coenzyme Q10 is essential for the proper functioning of your cells. As you get older, your body’s levels of coenzyme Q10 decrease.
Health Benefits of CoQ10
Heart Health
CoQ10 aid in the retention of LDL cholesterol’s normal oxidative condition. Along with improving a better blood circulation to the heart, it also works towards the optimal working of the cardiac muscles. CoQ10 is also known to offer benefits by safeguarding the arterial walls against various presumed dangers, including fat deposits.
Fertility decreases with age for females due to the gradual, natural decline in their ability to produce eggs. CoQ10 plays a role in this process, so as those levels decrease with age so too does the production of quality egg that is available. Supplementing with Coenzyme Q10, therefore, helps to reverse the decline that comes with age, while the antioxidant abilities of Coenzyme Q10 can help improve the quality of sperm.
Weight Loss
Being an antioxidant, CoQ10 could free the human body from harmful toxins, thereby ensuring better metabolic rate. The higher the metabolic rate is, the faster the weight loss will be. The antioxidant nature of this enzyme aids in improving the fat burning rate during exercise, thereby promoting weight loss.
Helps Headache
Abnormal functioning of your mitochondria can lead to an increased calcium uptake by your cells. This can result in low energy in the brain cells and is known as a cause of headaches and migraines, too. Coenzyme Q10’s presence in the mitochondria can, therefore, prevent and lessen the severity of migraines with its anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, while we’re looking at the head, Coenzyme Q10 has been proven to protect brain cells from oxidative damage and reduce the action of harmful compounds that can lead to brain disease.
For Healthy Skin
Topical application of Coenzyme Q10 is beneficial for your skin. The antioxidant nature of this enzyme helps in mending the free radical damages and easing fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Thus, this enzyme could be used for owning a firmer, younger-looking skin.
Control Diabetes
Coenzyme Q10 supplementation can help to increase the body’s insulin sensitivity and improve blood sugar levels. It comes down to the damage to cells caused by oxidative stress, which can result in metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Coenzyme Q10 can potentially help keep diabetes at bay by stimulating the breakdown of fats and reducing the accumulation of fat cells that could lead to obesity or type 2 diabetes.
Energy Booster
CoQ10 is widely used to increase the energy in the body. This is because this coenzyme contributes to the production of ATP, which is a molecule present in the body cells. This ATP works like a rechargeable battery and keeps on transferring the energy to the body cells, thereby increasing the energy level of a person.
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