List of Low Carb Foods

If you’re looking to lose weight, control your hunger and food cravings, reduce your carb intakes from your diet. Low-carb diets such as Keto or Paleo are very popular and were shown to cause 2 to 3 times more weight loss than the standard low-fat diets. Cutting carbs has also other benefits like improving HDL the good cholesterol, reducing triglyceride and improving blood pressure. So if you’re watching your waistline and health, here are the best low-carb foods to include in your diet:
Low Carb Foods
This is your best low-carb breakfast option. One egg has less than 1g of carbs. Those who had eggs in the morning had better satiety and snack less on unhealthy stuff at night. This is related to eggs’ protein content which reduces ghrelin, your hunger hormone.
Make sure your egg is from a good cage free, fed on organic produce source.
Meat and Poultry
All types of meat including chicken, lamb, and beef have zero carbs with the exception of organ meats like liver, which is about 5% carb. Get a good quality grass-fed meat or cage-free chicken.
Fish and Seafood
Fish and seafood have very few carbs, with the exception of shellfish. Sardines, white fish and salmon are all low-carb fish. Fish consumption is also important for human health as it contains omega-3 fatty acids which are good for joint health, brain and heart.
Try to get your fish and seafood from a wild caught source and not from fish and seafood farming.
Asparagus and Mushroom
Pretty much all vegetables are low-carb foods with the exception of starchy root vegetables like potato, carrots, parsnips, turnips and butternut squash. Asparagus and mushroom have the least amount of carbs with less than 2% content. They’re also high in protein compared to most vegetables.
Cucumber has only 4% carb content. It is low in calories and can be a great snack for people who are unable to drink enough water in a day. This is because 1 cucumber contains more than 95% water content.
Cauliflower provides around 5% carb content. It is also a great vegetable to cook and you can make almost anything from it and can replace the carbs in our life like rice. We use cauliflower to make cauliflower rice, pizza, side dishes, and more. Other low-carb vegetables are eggplant, bell peppers; broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and green beans with on average only 6 to 7% carb content.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate with low sugar content is amazing food to be included in a low-carb diet. You should pick the variant which has 70 to 90% cocoa and low sugar. When consumed in moderation, dark chocolate can help in reducing blood pressure and risks of heart diseases. What’s more is that dark chocolate has only 25% carb content.
It is very easy to make dark chocolate at. A home where you can control the ingredients and make real healthy raw dark chocolate with min sugars.
Among the tastiest low-carb foods, but not all cheese is created equal. Avoid processed cheese that is yellow or cream cheese. Instead, go for more fatty options like parmesan, feta, and halloumi.
Yogurt has only 5% carbs and can be eaten for breakfast or snack in a low-carb diet. You can opt for Greek yogurt as it has fewer carbs and even contains proteins and vitamins. Also, goat cheese yogurts a great option.
Avocado is a super food which has fats, fiber and potassium and low carbs count. 1 avocado contains nothing more than 20 g carbs. Avocado can be included in your diet in the form of healthy salads or even as a snack.
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I love this post! i have all the ideas and food that i’m planning to eat because i’m starting my diet.